Accomplished communications and information professional. Author, artist, advocate and activist in cannabis policy, reform and education.
Public & Media Relations * Strategic Planning * Organizational Management
Research & Analysis * Non-Profit Finance * Graphic & Web Design
Investigative Reporting * Public Speaking * Grant & Creative Writing

Natural Therapies Education Foundation (NTEF) Columbus, Ohio
Cofounded this educational nonprofit support education, research, outreach and philanthropy within Ohio’s cannabis industry. www.naturaltherapiesfoundation.org
Secretary 2017-present
Columbus Free Press
For this longstanding and well known Ohio news source, serve as cannabis-focused staff writer and columnist under the banner "Mary Jane's Guide." columbusfreepress.com
Courage in Cannabis
Author of articles in both Book 1 ("The Triumphant Stories") and Book 2 ("Anthology of Inspiring Stories Written by Heroes)" courageincannabis.com
Ohio Rights Group (ORG)Â Â
Cofounded this 501(c)(4) to advocate for medical marijuana in the State of Ohio via ballot issues, legislative lobbying and patient education. www.ohiorightsgroup.orgÂ
       President 2015–2016, Treasurer 2013–2024
DrugSense/Media Awareness Project (MAP) Irvine, California
An educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to sensible, evidence-based drug policies and practices. www.drugsense.org - www.mapinc.org - www.drugpolicycentral.com
Business Manager 2000–2012, Secretary, Board of Directors 2005–2012
Drug War Facts, Editor 2009–2012
A project of Common Sense for Drug Policy, this website holds thousands of direct quotes with their bibliographic citations gleaned from authoritative sources. www.drugwarfacts.org
Ohio Patient Network Columbus, Ohio
Cofounded this 501(c)(3) patient-focused charitable and educational organization that was one of the first to lobby the Ohio General Assembly for passage of medical marijuana legislation.
President 2006–2007, Treasurer 2002–2006 & 2008-2009
Borden Business Publishers, Owner. Westerville, Ohio
On a freelance basis, helped marketing, sales and other businesses communicate visually with clients and customers via graphic design, desktop publishing and other technologies. 1991–2002
Adria Laboratories, Senior Analyst–Marketing. Dublin, Ohio
In its time, the largest marketer of cancer chemotherapy agents in the United States. 1982–1991

Master of Business Administration, The University of Dayton
Concentration: Finance
Bachelor of Arts, Otterbein University
Majors: Art and Psychology
Accredited in Public Relations (APR) Public Relations Society of America
A mark of distinction for public relations professionals who demonstrate their commitment to the profession and to its ethical practice. www.prsa.org/PD/apr/index.html

Recipient: 2019 Free Press "Libby Award" for Community Activism
Registered Lobbyist in the State of Ohio 2013-2022
Public Relations Society of America 1999–present
The world's largest organization for public relations professionals. www.prsa.org
Columbus Matrix Foundation, President and Treasurer 1998–2003
A 501(c)(3) charitable foundation established by the Columbus Chapter of the Association for Women in Communications to award scholarships to worthy communications students.
Association for Women in Communications, President, Columbus Chapter 1995–1996
A professional organization that champions the advancement of women across all communications disciplines. www.womcom.org

Award-winning artist, skilled in such mediums as photography, framing, oil, acrylic, pencil, pen and ink, and watercolor. Established the website and Facebook page CannabinArt to display artwork, writings and biography. www.CannabinArt.com
A PDF of this resume can be found here.